greaseproof architecture since 2000


This event has passed.

Tuesday Mar 03, 2009 at 5:30pm  to Sunday Nov 29 at 11:00pm

Potts Point,   Sydney
New South Wales,   Australia

®AIA NSW Chapter Tuesday Night Talks
3 Manning Street Potts Point
6.30pm Tuesday – March through to November

AIA website page

Unfortunately there is no information on the TNT web page about who is speaking when, so if you don’t get their newsletter confirm with Tusculum before you go: (02) 9246 4055.

If it is still Winter 2009 you can see a listing of talks here (PDF).

The NSW Chapter conducts weekly talks each Tuesday from March through to November. TNT`s are a valuable forum for memebers and the design community to discuss and explore important issues relating to arcchitecture, urban design and planning.

The talks are co-ordinated by a committee of enthusiastic young architects who rely on the goodwill and expertise of contributors, and welcomes involvement from all interested parties. Please contact the Chapter on 02 9246 4055 or with suggestions, comments or if you would like to be involved in the program.

FREE for all individual members of the Institute, including student members.
$10 non members
$5 Student non-members
Please note: No credit cards cash only



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