Thursday Aug 27, 2009 at 11:30am to at
Mt Albert,
New Zealand
Where: Room 2075 (Lecture Theatre 1), Building 1, Unitec Campus, Carrington Rd, Mt Albert, Entry No 1.
When: Thursday 27th August 2009, 12.30-1.30pm
Cost: Free
NZILA CPD 0.5 points (category 3d), NZIA CPD 10 pts
on the web:
A free public lecture by Min Hall
“Min Hall has practiced architecture in the Nelson area for an undisclosed number of years. She ran her own practice, Min Hall Architects, from Riwaka near Motueka until 2001 and for the past eight years has been a director of Arthouse Architecture Ltd in Nelson. Driven by a belief that strong communities are those with a high level of self sufficiency and that old structures and discarded materials are valuable resources, she has pursued architectural solutions that demonstrate this.”
“Min’s seminar will be an illustrated discussion about how the way buildings are put together informs ideas about their design. In doing this she will use a range of case studies from 1950’s concrete block to 21st century strawbale.”
Hosted by Departments of Landscape Architecture & Architecture, Unitec
tags: min hall