greaseproof architecture since 2000

Brit Andreson

Thursday Oct 01, 2009 at 5:30pm  to  at

New South Wales,   Australia

The Lloyd Rees Memorial Lecture

Professor Brit Andreson
Thursday October 1 2009, 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Foundation Hall, Museum of Contemporary Art.


The 2009 Lloyd Rees Memorial Lecture Speaker is Brit Andresen, Professor of Architecture at Queensland University. Brit Andresen studied architecture at Trondheim University Norway qualifying as Sivil Arkitekt in 1969. She is a Registered Architect in Queensland, member of the RAIA and has taught architecture at the University of Cambridge, the Architectural Association and the School of Architecture and Urban Planning UCLA (Master of Architecture Program). Her private practice in Cambridge and, with Peter O’Gorman, in Brisbane has resulted in various built works, which have been published or exhibited. She was awarded the RAIA Gold Medal for Architecture in 2002 . Her current research and projects are the area of building design with landscape.

In her address she will indicate the significance of painters and poets to architectural outlooks and philosophies, and ways of perceiving landscape and the built environment. Prof Andresen will also reflect on the role of education and parallels between practising artists and architects who also teach. The address will also consider sustainability in architecture and current thinking.

Tix info at the SAF website.


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