Wednesday Sep 02, 2009 at 8:00am to Friday Sep 04 at 4:00pm
Surfers Paradise,
Gold Coast
Wednesday 2nd to Friday 4th
of September 2009
Conrad Jupiters Hotel
Gold Coast – Queensland
on the web:
Join us for the 2nd International Urban Design Conference Survival: Implementing Tomorrow’s City being held on the Gold Coast Australia on the 2, 3, 4 September 2009.
Our cities are facing far greater challenges in this era of failing global markets, climate change, peak oil, unprecedented population and urban growth in the face of diminishing natural habitats. We’ve identified these threats and risks, but how are we to implement a successful blueprint for tomorrow’s sustainable city?
The conference will identify and address ways to implement best practice sustainable actions and showcase exemplar projects for leaders, designers and communities to understand the complex issues involved and how to apply these to meet individual urban design challenges.
Our cities are where we live, work and play. There is now a sense of urgency to put into place the measures that will ensure a sustainable and responsible future for our living environment – survival measures for our cities.