greaseproof architecture since 2000

Green Building and Design Conference

This event has passed.

Wednesday Sep 09, 2009 at 8:00am  to Thursday Sep 10 at 4:00pm

Docklands,   Melbourne
Victoria,   Australia

Green Building & Design Conference 2009 – Green Materials
9-10 September 2009
Melbourne Convention Centre

Attendance in-person or online
Cost: AUS $ 1045 incl GST


Green building conference

The RMIT Centre for Design has put together a comprehensive and informative program on the topic of building materials and their environmental impact.

The aim of the conference is to promote methods and strategies that should be used when selecting building materials. Topics range from the proposed emissions trading system and its effect on building material to alternative and smart materials. Presentations by local and international speakers, discussions and a choice of 9 award winning site visits will illustrate how theory has been put into practice and how practice can be used to refine theory.

An online participation mode has been established for those participants, who are unable to make it to Melbourne.

Our conference website is packed full of information, with an up-to-date program, speaker profiles, and site visit information. For more information go to or contact nicola.willand – at –


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