Wednesday Nov 25, 2009 at 4:30pm to Saturday Nov 28 at 3:00pm
Mt Albert,
New Zealand
25 November 2009 – 28 November 2009
25 November, from 5.30pm (opening party)
26 – 27 November, from 10am – 6pm
28 November, from 10am – 4pm
Building 1, Entry 1, Carrington Rd, Mt Albert
Cost: FREE
on the web:
Your chance to see work produced by both final-year and current students in the areas of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Design, Photography and Media Arts, Interior Design, Graphic Design and Animation, Product and Furniture Design, Visual Arts, Contemporary Craft, Dance, Acting, Film, Costume and Set/Prop Design.
Please note that the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Prizegiving will be held on 25 November at 6.30pm.
Performing and Screen Arts will be performing at various times during the opening party – so watch this space for updates.
Student work and Asylum (year book for Architecture and Landscape Architecture) will also be on sale.