Wednesday Sep 09, 2009 at 4:30pm to at
New Zealand
Wednesday, 9 September, 5.30-7.00pm
Auckland: University of Otago House, 385 Queen St, Level 4, Lecture Theatre 4.01
Video link up to Wellington: Victoria University, Pipitea Campus, Rutherford House, Lecture Theatre 1.
on the web:
An exploration of sustainable and regenerative design with reference to pre-contact Maori built environments. The goal is to develop architectural and urban design strategies that are not energy or resource neutral but rather generative producers (of energy, ecological habitat, food, water) linked into the energy and resource flows of the surrounding environment.Speakers:
Amanda Yates, is a registered architect and academic.
Shaun Awatere (Ngati Porou) is a resource economist .
Wiki Walker, Ngati Hine, Manukau City Council Environmental Policy Planner (tangata whenua).
Ngarimu Blair, is a Trustee on the Ngati Whatua o Orakei Maori Trust Board.