greaseproof architecture since 2000

Global Studio Johannesburg 2009

Monday Sep 14, 2009 at 12:00pm  to  at

Parkville,   Melbourne
Victoria,   Australia

LEARNING FROM GLOBAL STUDIO – working in Diepsloot, Johannesburg

Monday 14 September
1-2pm, Japanese Room, 1st floor Architecture building, Melbourne Uni


Global Studio, an international, interdisciplinary think and do tank has just completed its fifth year. Commencing in 2005 in response to the need for sustainable urbanization that is inclusive of the urban poor, Global Studio has attempted to introduce new modes of education that will help achieve the poverty alleviating objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

GS is a place-based action research program where national and international students, academics, and professionals in the city-building professions come together with local government, NGOs and CBOs to collaborate with disadvantaged communities. The program promotes forms of professional education and practice that can benefit under-served communities and facilitate bottom-up, collaborative partnerships.

This talk will be presented by three MSD faculty students – Andres Cevallos (Urban Design), Adelaide Smith (Urban Planning) & Charlotte Fliegner (Architecture) who have recently participated in Global Studio 2009 and will focus on the studio’s third year in South Africa.

Come along to hear about our work & find out how you can become involved in Global Studio


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