greaseproof architecture since 2000

PechaKucha Melbourne 11 for Haiti

Saturday Feb 20, 2010 at 6:30pm  to  at

CBD,   Melbourne
Victoria,   Australia

20×20 PECHAKUCHA Ayiti / Melbourne
Saturday night, 20th February, Entry 6.30, presentations from 7pm
Location: 1000 Pound Bend, 361 Lt Lonsdale St, Melbourne 3000

Pecha Kucha Melbourne

“As part of the Architecture for Humanity global fundraiser for Haiti, we have just been asked to organise Pecha Kucha in Melbourne in 8 days time (!)

It’s quick, but we can do it!

The theme we are currently thinking about is “here”.

“here” appreciates the here and now, this place, my street, my neighbour, my home. Real things I can do, you do, to make here especially liveable. (And what a fitting thing to think about as we project ourselves there…)

“here” is interested in the surprising and the simple.

In true Pecha Kucha_Melbourne style we hope to find a collage of creative local people, some draw-cards of course, and other everyday characters you pass in the street … my next door neighbour, the edge artist, your dad.”


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