greaseproof architecture since 2000

Transparent - Landscape Drawing

This event has passed.

Monday Mar 22, 2010 at 9:00am  to Monday Apr 12 at 4:00pm

Mt Albert,   Auckland
Auckland,   New Zealand

You are invited to Transparent – Landscape Drawing an exhibition at Snowwhite Gallery opening 22 March until 12 April.

Where: Snowwhite Gallery*, Unitec Department of Design and Visual Arts, Building 1, Gate 1, Carrington Road, Mt Albert.

When: The exhibition opens on 22 March 2010 until 22 April 2010.

Gallery Opening hours: 10.00am – 5.00pm.

Cost: FREE

Unitec Events website

Transparent – Landscape Drawing features the work of Unitec lecturers C. Pete Griffiths, Hamish Foote and Den Aitken, also known collectively as Field Landscape Architecture. The exhibition is essentially about opening the doors to their landscape philosophy and design process.

The exhibition will comprise of hand drawn, explorative sketches and imagery with a scattering of digitally rendered work. It will also include their successful stage one Queens wharf submission and preparatory work.

\* Snowwhite Gallery is located in Building 1 in the Department of Design. Please enter the Unitec campus at Entry 1 off Carrington Road. After you come in Entry 1, everything on your right is Building 1, (the former Carrington Hospital building). Keep to your right, carry on past the traffic triangle and make a loop around to the front of Building 1.

The main entrance to Building 1 is sliding glass doors at the centre of the building. Enter the building, turn right at your first opportunity and Snowwhite is directly ahead.


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