Thursday Apr 29, 2010 at 5:00pm to at
The Keith Haring mural – yesterday, today, tomorrow
Keith Haring mural in Collingwood
Thursday 29 April 2010
6.00pm – 8.00pm
Neighbourhood Justice Centre, 241 Wellington Street, Collingwood
on the web:
In 1984, American artist Keith Haring visited Australia and painted a mural on the side of the Collingwood Technical College in Johnston Street.
Since then, Haring has become internationally recognised as an artist of great significance and the Collingwood mural has been placed on the Victorian Heritage Register.
This free forum is an opportunity to find out more about this work and discuss the mural’s history and its future. The forum will feature a special presentation of information from The Keith Haring Foundation.
For more information, please contact Brona Keenan, Arts and Cultural
Development Officer on 9205 5029 or visit