Thursday May 27, 2010 at 5:00pm to at
Sustainable Futures:
New Modes of Practice
on the web:
What might a sustainable future be?
Will it require fundamental shifts in the way we practise?
What might these shifts be and how do we make them?
Be involved in the debate.
Join us for AA Roundtable 03 as six key practitioners and thinkers explore potential new modes of practice in a robust public discussion.
Our panel is
Carey Lyon, Lyons
Jim Gall, Architectus
Natasha Palich, Sense Architecture
Professor Shane Murray, Monash University
Ceridwen Owen, University of Tasmania
Justine Clark, editor Architecture Australia.
When 6-8pm, Thursday May 27
Where ISIS offices,
Level 7, 5 Queens Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
Book now Numbers are limited.
RSVP essential
(03) 9646 4760 or robyn.oh (AT)