Tuesday Jul 20, 2010 at 7:15am to at
Design Capital: Retrofitting the Grid: New Designs for Old Buildings
Tuesday 20 July, 2010, 8.15am
+61 3 9650 3963
The Wheeler Centre
[176 Little Lonsdale Street
VIC 3000
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New eco-friendly commercial buildings generate positive public and critical response. Unfortunately, the biggest issue confronting the creation of sustainable cities is the inefficiency of existing commercial building stock.
Our panel discusses the sustainability case for retrofitting and the short to medium term gains for landlords, materials and services suppliers.
Rob Murray-Leach
CEO, Energy Efficiency Council
Rob Murray-Leach will present the big picture for energy efficient cities and then focus in on some recent case studies and examples that explain the commercial benefits of retrofitting.
Ninotschka Titschkosky
Principle Architect, BVN Architecture
BVN has delivered some of the most high profile refurbishment design projects in recent years. Both the Stockland and VicUrban headquarters exemplify sustainable design interventions in existing buildings. Ninotschka Titschkosky will discuss the important role of design in major refurbishment projects.
Romilly Madew
CEO, Green Building Council of Australia
As a participant in global organizations such as The World Green Building Council, Romilly Madew will provide a global perspective on retrofitting programs and how these programs are likely to progress in the Australian market.