Friday Jul 30, 2010 at 4:30pm to at
Peter Ho, Phooey Architects, Melbourne
TIME: Friday July 30, 6pm. Drinks@5.30pm
VENUE: RMIT Building 8, level 11, Lecture Room 8.11.68
on the web:
PHOOEY Architects, founded by Directors Peter Ho & Emma Young, are young, enthusiastic, emerging & progressive in design practice. They are adapting to the urban heat island effect; aim to create zero waste; and are entertained by the sobriety of global warming. As advocate/activists, PHOOEY Architects actively explore resilience, comfort & aesthetic strategies that incorporate a campaign of awareness, feedback design, recycled form & a revalue of consumption waste. They have completed innovative projects including a demonstration sustainable community centre; shipping container children’s activity centre; hair salon with a surreal hair chandelier; & couches rolled sculpturally from recycled carpet in office tower foyers.
Internationally, their project the Children’s Activity Centre at Skinners Playground in Australia was Highly Commended in the category New & Old at the World Architecture Festival Awards (Barcelona 2008). It also received an Honourable Mention in the AR Awards for Emerging Architecture (United Kingdom 2007). In Australia, the project has received the National & State Awards for Small Project Architecture (AIA), Sustainability Award (AIA), Premier’s Design Mark for Cultural Architecture & Mayor’s Award at the City of Port Phillip 10th Design & Development Awards. PHOOEY Architects are currently completing a carbon & water neutral sports complex / grandstand; a high-rise residential tower; a ten & a half star environmental wetlands education centre; a primary school inspired by Victoria’s mighty rivers; & housing in suburban & rural Victoria.