Sunday Oct 10, 2010 at 5:30pm to at
Date: Monday 11thOctober 2010
Time: 5.30 to 7.00pm
Venue: The Loop Bar: 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne
(drinks available at bar prices)
Cost: CEFPI Members: No cost Non-Members: $30
Payment:Cheques to be made payable to “CEFPI-Victorian Chapter”
Mailed To:CEFPI –Victorian Chapter
c/-Hayball Pty Ltd, Suite 4/135 Sturt Street, Southbank Vic 3006
Mail cheques as above or contact Ferda Mae Murdaugh by COB Thursday 7th October 2010
via email: fmurdaugh [at] or Telephone: 9699 3644
Please note that attendance numbers are limited at the venue and accordingly you must register attendance for this event as above.
on the web:
The Council of Education Facility Planners International (Victorian Chapter) invites you to attend our forum:
Hellerup School, Copenhagen, Denmark
LOOP at Loop!
Presentation by Danish Architect, Jens Guldbaek of LOOP, and Chief Project Director for the Gentofte Kommune’s school at Hellerup, Copenhagen.
The Hellerup school is recognised as a world leading example of innovative school design and education delivery.
LOOP is one of the most experienced consultancies when it comes to project formation, user dialogue and communication in projects, and the development of modern learning environment. A Director of LOOP, Jens will present the Hellerup school and the collaborative process that led to its development together with many of their other international education projects. He will also discuss LOOP’s approach to innovative design and how the office leads radical change processes.
This is a rare opportunity to hear Jens during his short visit to Australia and to learn more about the Hellerup school and the implementation of radical change in education design.