Monday Nov 08, 2010 at 6:30pm to at
Loop Bar, Meyer Place
6.30pm, November 8th
on the web:
Utopias may have died with alongside the modern, but the need for engaged, active architectural solutions to acculturated inequalities, economic disparities and outright atrocity is as pressing as ever. Of course, architectural activity in such liminal states is a far cry from established methods and modes of practice – increasingly, it is characterised by movement on the ’sidelines’ – on the edge of disciplines, sites, economies and cultures.
This month at process we talk to two emerging organisations who maneouvre in this no-mans-land;
turnmeOn – Organisers of a new, recurring design competition – currently running in Nepal.
CoDesign – A national network of interdisciplinary designers working on a number of humanitarian projects, both locally and within the region.