Thursday Nov 25, 2010 at 9:00am to Sunday Mar 06 at 5:00pm
25 November – 6 March 2011
Venue: Heide III: Central Galleries
Curator: Linda Michael
on the web:
Many artists find drawing a particularly liberating medium, one in which they are less self-conscious and can express themselves with directness, honesty and sheer enjoyment. The exhibition presents works by twenty-five contemporary Australian artists for whom drawing is fundamental—often a daily practice— or whose experiments extend our understanding of this enduring medium.
The exhibition is not limited by a single theme; instead it orchestrates groups of works that are linked in their approach to drawing. It includes representational and figurative works, as well as abstract, gestural, geometric and conceptual drawing, and incorporates a variety of methods and materials, from pen on paper to soundworks and wall drawings.
Several artists have made new works for the exhibition, from a new series of drawings by Del Kathryn Barton and Steven Asquith, to a new project exhibition by Richard Lewer.
Other artists include Peter Booth, eX de Medici, Marco Fusinato, Mira Gojak, Locust Jones, Newell Harry, Michelle Ussher, Gosia Wlodarczak, Eugene Carchesio, Greg Creek, Domenico De Clario, Matt Hinkley, Joyce Hinterding, Laith McGregor, Alasdair McLuckie, Robert Macpherson, Catherine O’Donnell, Nick Selenitsch, Sandra Selig, Aida Tomescu, Peter Tyndall and Ken Whisson.