greaseproof architecture since 2000

Pecha Kucha Melbourne 17

Thursday Apr 28, 2011 at 5:00pm  to  at

CBD,   Melbourne
Victoria,   Australia

What is Light?

Tickets $10 / $5 Concession, minimum donation.
Donkey Wheel House – basement, 673 Bourke St, Melbourne
Thursday 28 April, doors open 6.00pm
info [at] pechakuchamelbourne [dot] com


Here Studio is teaming up with Antony Di Mase and Dave Anderson to bring you this very special volume of Pecha Kucha Light.

As part of the global Pecha Kucha ‘Inspire Japan’ series, all proceeds will go to Architecture for Humanity for projects in Japan, Christchurch, Concepcion, and Haiti.

David Poulton, studio dp
Volker Haug, luminaire designer
Stephen Hennessy, Stephen Hennessy Art & Design
Paul Beale, Electrolight
Nicola Andrews, stage lighting designer
Steve Wright, Light Well Design
Adele Locke, IES The Lighting Society
David Becker, Point of View
Kire Boegevski, 2B Designed
Matt Irwin, Matt Irwin Photography
Stefan Preuss, Sustainability Victoria


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