Thursday Apr 12, 2012 at 4:30pm
The Commercial Travellers' Association 'CTA club', MLC Tower
Martin Place
New South Wales,
Levels 1 & 2, The Commercial Travellers’ Association ‘CTA club’, Martin Place, Sydney
Free Admission
on the web:
Kaldor Public Art Projects launches Parlour, a creative new space where art, music, film, performance and hands-on workshops come together to explore and engage with our projects at night.
Each Parlour will be presented in a unique venue, bringing a fresh approach to the Kaldor project artists’ work in a variety of stimulating, entertaining and sometimes, surprising, ways.
Join Kaldor Public Art Projects, the University of Technology Sydney School of Design, N, FBi radio, and The Festivalists for Project 25: Parlour celebrating The Dailies, Thomas Demand’s intriguing new installation at the Commercial Travellers’ Association in Martin Place. Come think a little, come drink a little, come stay a while in our Parlour – selected Thursday nights in April.
Thursday 12 April
Parlour Kino Sydney
Kino Sydney:
Short film premieres by emerging filmmakers, including work shot on location at the CTA
Live Band:
The Bedlams
Professor Colin Griffiths and Sydney architect Stephen Collier reflect upon the legacy of renowned Australian architect Harry Seidler, designer of the CTA building.
Live FBi DJs in the cocktail lounge.
Adam Lewis
Bridie Moran
Play vintage parlour games.
Minature Modernism
with Christian Meli and Kevin Tong
Kino film program hosted by The Festivalists; music provided by FBi radio.
Free Admission
RSVP to put your name on the door