Sunday Apr 15, 2012 at 9:00am to Friday Nov 30 at 4:00pm
Old Treasury Building
20 Spring Street
East Melbourne,
Phone: (03)9651 2233
on the web:
“Old Treasury Building is celebrating its 150th Anniversary during 2012.
John James Clark was the 19 year old architect of the Old Treasury Building. Come and visit the fascinating new exhibition of beautiful original paintings, drawings and architectural plans of this ‘forgotten’ 19th century architect JJ Clark who designed many iconic Melbourne, Victorian and interstate buildings.
Old Treasury Building has been the city office of the Victorian Governor for the past 150 years. The Governor meets each week in the Executive Council Chamber with members of the Executive Council to sign legislation. Discover the interesting stories of the Governor and the many people who have worked here in the Old Treasury Building over the past 150 years.
The building was regularly decorated on important state occasions. It was the ‘city square’ of the 19th century. Up to 40,000 people would gather outside the Old Treasury Building to both welcome and farewell the Governors.”
tags: j.j. clark