greaseproof architecture since 2000

debate: Architecture is ALL about Buildings

This event has passed.

Sunday Oct 07, 2012 at 3:00pm

Fitzroy Bowls Club
578 Brunswick St
Fitzroy North,   Melbourne
Victoria,   Australia 3068


What Is... Architecture?

In 1968 Hans Hollein wrote:

Today a museum or a school can be replaced by a TV set. Architects must cease to think only in terms of buildings… A true architecture of our time will have to redefine itself and expand its means. Many areas outside traditional building will enter the realm of architecture, as architecture and ‘architects’ will have to enter new fields.

All are architects. Everything is architecture.

40 years on, architects are asking themselves whether this position is liberating or confining? Does it open up architectural practice to multi-disciplinary collaboration and the exploration of other architectural paths beyond building? Or, has this type of thinking allowed the power and strength of the profession to dissipate through a lack of intensity and a lack of focus?

speakers for the affirmative:
Stuart Harrison, Suzannah Waldron, Mat Ward

speakers for the negative:
Juliet Moore, Anthony Parker, Peter Johns

[Organised by OpenHAUS]


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