Friday Aug 09, 2013 at 1:30pm
Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room, Sidney Myer Asia Centre
761 Swanston Street
on the web:
Australia’s Unintended Cities Seminar: Federal Policies, State Planning and Local Realities
The book, Australia’s Unintended Cities, considers the broad and seemingly growing gap between the aims common to strategic planning – sustainable, inclusive and prosperous cities characterised by more compact urban growth, greater use of public transport, higher densities especially at transport nodes and along transport corridors – and the reality of urban development on the ground. It postulates that urban form and structure are largely the outworking of aspatial policy levers operated, principally, at the Federal level, including those covering taxation, governance and the housing market.
In this afternoon seminar, the contributors to Australia’s Unintended Cities revisit this proposition in the light of the upcoming Federal Elections and release of a new metropolitan strategy for Melbourne. What difference might these events make in our shared endeavour for sustainable, inclusive and prosperous cities?
The three panels address:
1. How can national housing policies on tenure, finance, tax and social provision be developed to support the planning vision for our metropolises?
2. What contribution to our planning vision can we expect from MPS 2013 and the State’s infrastructure investment and city building activities?
3. Beyond housing, what should the incoming national government be doing to advance the planning vision for our cities?
Each panelist will talk for a maximum of 10 minutes. The intention is a half of the time of each panel is based on questions and discussion.
13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
13:40 Issues Emerging from Australia’s Unintended Cities
14:00 Panel: How can national housing policies on tenure, finance, tax and social provision be developed to support the planning vision for our metropolises?
15:00 Panel: What contribution to our planning vision can we expect from MPS 2013 and the State’s infrastructure investment and city building activities?
15:50 Tea
16:10 Panel: Beyond housing, what should the incoming national government be doing to advance the planning vision for our cities?
16:50 Concluding comments
17:00 Drinks
Terry Burke
Michael Buxton
Tony Gilmour
Brendan Gleeson
Alan March
Terry Rawnsley
Marcus Spiller
Mary Tomlinson
Richard Tomlinson
Judith Yates
Cost: $50.
Cost includes a copy Australia’s Unintended Cities: The Impact of Housing on Urban Development, Richard Tomlinson (Editor), CSIRO Publishing.