Robert Rockefeller’s plans to mount giant wind turbines to catch the Southerly blusters from his Hobart buildings have been furled in by the council on heritage grounds. The debate was “heated”, possibly by a coal-fired power station.
One way to please all might be to use heritage-certified wind turbines. This delightful structure was built in 1894 near Willesden Junction Station in London. As the writer notes, “there should be great scope for a successful and really trustworthy wind motor for electrical purposes.”
Posted by Peter on 28.07.09 in sustainability and heritage
tags: wind turbines
As a foreigner who visited Hobart in 2004 I hope you don’t mind me weighing in on the 10Murray St. project. I remember the building not because of any distinguishing traits, but because it appeared to me as another example of a modernist mass misplaced. You have, as you know, no doubt,an unusual wealth of heritage architecture and to see this mass from the wharf it appears as an eyesore, with no respect for its surrounding.What astonishes me is not so much that your urban planners would want to tear it down, but that the replacement design seems to be more box tops. I visited Wellington N.Z. shortly after my stay in Hobart and there you can see block after block of ugly modernist buildings built around what should have been a beautiful harbor. I might have been able to appreciate the period merits of 10Murray had it been placed elsewhere but I wouldn’t regret its demolition if it were replaced with a more community friendly urban design.Hopefully the planners will come up with something that enhances Hobart’s unique character.
by Bob Herrschaft on 21/08/10 ·#
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