greaseproof architecture since 2000

Into the frying pan

big prawn, cc-by: Gaetan Lee

Some shocking news from the ABC: “The Ballina Shire Council has received a submission seeking permission to demolish the Big Prawn.”

Another big thing bites the dust. The Big Prawn was built in 1990 by Glenn Industries, using “dots in the air technology”. Glenn also blessed us with the glass-reinforced-cement Big Merino in Goulburn (which was recently shifted). Despite local worries about the prawn being moved to a Queensland town, local mayor Phillip Silver says : “It’s not the council’s prawn. It’s [the owner’s] asset or liability to work with.” The Northern Star reports that the Prawn could end up in Surfers Paradise next to the Palazzo Versace. Now that would make an interesting pairing.

palazzo versace
Palazzo Versace, Gold Coast. P. Johns 2005

Given that the Palazzo is surprising dull and precast on the outside, perhaps the Prawn could be affixed directly to the front of that building. I’m sure they have prawns on the menu. The internally decorated shed would meet its opposite.

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2023 update
In 2012 the Big Prawn was “”: from the prawn restaurant (which was demolished) and put at the entrance to the Bunnings carpark just down the road. Big prawn meets Big box I guess.

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Posted by Peter on 16.08.09 in  and 




As far as big things go, I think Ballina got the raw prawn. ;)

by Sean on 17/08/09 ·#

The prawn is dead. Long live the prawn.

by peter on 27/09/09 ·#

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