If you’re in Melbourne, see if you can reserve the 20th of this month to attend a Pecha Kucha fundraiser for the Haiti disaster, which has now claimed as many lives as the SE Asian tsunami – an estimated 230,000. Haiti’s population in 1998 was 9.7M.
UPDATE: 17.02.10
20×20 PECHAKUCHA Ayiti / Melbourne
Saturday night, 20th February, Entry 6.30, presentations from 7pm
Location: 1000 Pound Bend, 361 Lt Lonsdale St, Melbourne 3000
Brought to you rapidly by:
Pecha Kucha
Architecture for Humanity
Architects for Peace
Urban Village Melbourne
Posted by Peter on 13.02.10 in talks
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the plug, we are still confirming the venue, but it definitely won’t be at BMW Edge (it has already been booked by our dear friends at the Sustainable Living Festival).
We should be making an announcement tomorrow!
by Michelle James on 15/02/10 ·#
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