greaseproof architecture since 2000

More bounce

Rod Laver arena 2010

The Rod Laver Arena is to get a new set of steps to replace its rather steep ones. It’s just part of a $363M revamp for the National Tennis Centre. Bovis Lend Lease were announced as Stage 1 winners today. Other plans are for a 4.5 megalitre water tank, new covered courts, and a “town square with environmental roof”.

Why? Lots of people watch tennis there. And the contract for the Australian Open expires in 2016 and they’re worried about losing it to “cashed-up rivals in Asia”. according to .

Eastern Plaza

No sign of an architect in any of the news reports, but from the volume of white tubular steel, one could guess.

If only I liked Tennis.


» FIFTH ESTATE 24.03.10

Posted by Peter on 24.03.10 in 



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