greaseproof architecture since 2000

Fat house, fat car

The Age tells us that Melbourne’s largest display home is open for insection in Point Cook. People aren’t too interested in it and there won’t be any more at that size. It’s 52 whopping squares, or 481 square metres, or 52 Holden Commodore sedans they tell us. What? It seems the Commodore is becoming a unit measure. That will no doubt please Holden’s PR department.

Rather than look at the house sizes of Melbourne (you can read that at the Age), I’ll take a quick look at the changing Holden Commodore. When it first arrived in the dealers, I was a pretty excited kid and collected all the glossy trade lit pronto. I then redrew all the elevations without tracing and presented them to my grandfather for a $3 reward. He was bribing me to draw – as he was an architect… but I did love that Opel Commodore – it reminded me of my Pininfarina Matchbox cars. It was so much more svelte than the hulky Falcons, Kingswoods and Valiants rumbling down the streets.

1978 Commodore VB: length 4,729 mm; width: 1,772 mm; 2.85-5.0 litre.
holden vb
Lean and angular

2010 Commodore VE Omega: length 4,900 mm; width: 1,899mm; 3.0-6.0 litre
holden 2010
Has it grown love handles? This is bigger than the HJ Kingswood .

You could fit an extra five of the old ‘dores into this display house. Might make a mess of the carpets though.

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Posted by Peter on 23.05.10 in 

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