greaseproof architecture since 2000

AR online

Architectural Review Australia

Architectural Review Australia is now available online. You can purchase the digital version of the print format at quite a discount. Presumably because they don’t need to print it, and there is apparently no GST.


AR have also had an online magazine running for a couple of years, where you can find a selection of their content without even reaching for your visa card.

Interesting to think what will become of our mags in this context. I don’t think I’ll be buying an online version of the print version anytime soon. When I buy one, I buy it to read paper pages, in a caf, away from the computer. But perhaps this is extending their market overseas, and perhaps iPads are blurring the line a little. Though having not yet been enticed to buy one, I wouldn’t know.

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Posted by Peter on 19.05.11 in 



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