greaseproof architecture since 2000

Lebbeus Woods sticks with the pencils

lebbeus woods
Israel’s Wall – 2004

The ’80s seems like a long time ago, when we were all obsessed with drawing – finding the right graphites and paper, then breaking photocopy machines trying to coax them into swallowing laminated piles of bond, lead, ink and acetate. Can we no longer draw by hand? Lebbeus Woods was one of the drawing heros then and, unlike his contemporaries now engaged in jagged ‘real world’ architecture, he is still at it.

ā€œIā€™m not interested in living in a fantasy world… All my work is still meant to evoke real architectural spaces. But what interests me is what the world would be like if we were free of conventional limits. Maybe I can show what could happen if we lived by a different set of rules.ā€

He has not only been drawing, he has also (until June) been maintaining a blog:

Here’s a recent interview with the New York Times.

» External Link

Posted by Peter on 28.08.08 in 

related: Lebbeus Woods



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