greaseproof architecture since 2000

Design Philosophy Papers

This site has closed – the web link below is to the Internet Archive’s 2015 save.
Some content up until the journal’s closure in 2018 is available at the publisher’s website here.
The latest issue only is freely available online.

“Design Philosophy Papers (DPP) comes from a longstanding desire to gain greater recognition for the study of design by the intellectual community at large, as well as our frustration with the market-driven conservatism of design publishing. It aims to break away from the idea of design as a specialist interest, as well as rejecting the simplistic and debased way design arrives before the public via both old and new media — frequently merely as style or technics. It also comes with a passion to communicate, share and argue for a much, much greater general recognition of importance of design and ‘the designed’ as managed and unwitting agents of force and power.”

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