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Homelessness Research Conference call for papers

This is a past event.

Abstract submissions close on Friday 16 December 2011

“The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) and RMIT University are pleased to co-host the inaugural Homelessness Research Conference in Melbourne on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 April 2012.

This is an important event for the National Homelessness Research Network, and will provide the opportunity to hear from many of Australia’s leading researchers. The conference will showcase current research, research methods and approaches that are being used, and also provide delegates with the opportunity to consider what further homelessness research is needed.

The conference will be an ideal setting for homelessness professionals and interested parties to further their understanding, exchange ideas and develop professional networks, and we invite you to contribute to this important event.

The Homelessness Research Conference 2012 is now inviting abstracts based on, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Cost-benefit evaluations of homelessness
  • Longitudinal analysis of homelessness
  • The use of administrative datasets to monitor changes in homelessness and * program interventions
  • Concepts of homelessness
  • Qualitative approaches to homelessness research

Review criteria for papers includes originality of ideas, significance of results, application of existing ideas in ways that provide new insights and progress, usefulness to audience, clarity and timeliness.

Abstracts should relate to research that is complete or where provisional findings can be presented.

The final decision regarding successful submissions will be made by the conference co-hosts following recommendations received from a review panel.”

See more at the website.

[via 5th Estate]

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