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UN Call for proposals

This is a past event.

un Magazine volume 6 issue 1 Call for Proposals
Deadline: 5 MARCH 2012

un Magazine is Melbourne’s leading independent magazine for writing on contemporary visual art. un Magazine fosters and offers opportunities to promote independent and critical thinking regarding contemporary art in all media. Focused on artists, writers, artist-run and independent projects and contemporary art communities, un Magazine is an important platform for the dialogue of ideas extending from the local into national and international contexts.
un Magazine intends to:

• generate critical reviews, commentary and discussion on independent contemporary art projects and practices in Melbourne and beyond;
• offer a platform for new forms of critical engagement with contemporary practice in publication form;
• encourage and promote new creative and critical thinking across writing in its broadest interpretation from new and established writers and artists;
• provide editorial and mentoring support and publishing opportunities for new and emerging writers on contemporary art across all disciplines.

un Magazine content
We welcome proposals for contributions including but not limited to: criticism or review of contemporary independent art projects, exhibitions and publications (taking place since September 2011); interviews; essays and features on topics that can contribute to current debate; and contributions of experimental contemporary art practice engaged with text, writing or publication modes. Priority is also given to art projects and organisations that are often overlooked by mainstream art publications.

Editorial focus:
Editor volume 6 issue 1: Lisa Radford
Working Title: Aisle 5. Barcelona Chair. Price Check Please. (Art + Design)

For this issue we are interested in asking a question about the relationship between Art and Design, how is this explored in contemporary practice and what are its social, political and economic implications. By examining the relationship between the two what can we further learn about aesthetics and taste; highbrow, lowbrow and ‘nobrow’ culture and the value of materials and subjectivity. Boris Groys refers
to design as a site for self-revelation, was this once the role of art? Is invention possible in an era of ‘production for production’ sake? Is a gallery a high end boutique? In 2012, maybe we are at the end of art?

un Magazine is interested in articles written by artists, as well as writing by writers that may take the form of a research based feature articles, interviews or reviews that address these questions and others related to the examining the relationship between Art & Design . Proposals for artist pages are also invited and encouraged.

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