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Core 77 Design Awards

This is a past event.

Core Design Awards 2012

The deadline for entries is April 10.

“From San Francisco to Seoul, the Core77 2012 Design Awards final jury lineup spans the globe, bringing together 74 international design luminaries to judge the 2012 awards program. Representing a diversity of design practice and thought leadership, this multidisciplinary group includes luminaries such as BERG, Bruce Sterling, Mariana Amatullo, Alice Twemlow, Michael Sorkin, Sulki and Min Choi, Marc Brétillot, Zoe Ryan, Troika, Front, John B. Rogers and Panthea Lee.

The Core77 Design Awards celebrates the richness of the design profession and its practitioners, expanding categories, leveraging online scale, increasing transparency and decreasing plane fuel. It sets new standards for design awards with progressive categories, globally distributed juries, dedicated student fields, entrant video testimonials, live jury announcements and a reproducible trophy for design teams.

The exposure that winners and honorees receive is enormous: The top professional and student entries of each category will receive the unique awards trophy, and all honorees will be published in the Awards Gallery, across the Core77 online network and in the official awards publication.”

And here are a few of the categories and their judges.

Zoë Ryan (Jury Captain), Chair and Curator of Architecture and Design at the Art Institute of Chicago
Defne Koz, President and Co-Founder of Koz Susani Design Inc
Helen Maria Nugent, Professor, Director of the Designed Objects Programs at School of the Art Institute
Chris Force, Publisher and Editor-of-Chief at Design Bureau Magazine
Sam Vinz, Co-Owner of Volume Gallery

Nicola Goretti (Jury Captain) Director of Grupo AG
Fernanda Bocorny Messias, Manager of the Programa Brasileiro de Design – PBD (Brazilian Design Program)
Lígia de Medeiros, Designer
Daniel Mangabeira da Vinha, architect, urbanist and Partner at DOMO Architects

Min and Sulki Choi (Jury Co-Captains), Co-Directors of Sulki and Min
Eunkyung Jeon, Editor-in-Chief at Design Monthly
Kim Hyungjin, Graphic Designer and Partner of Workroom
Kyungsun Kymn, Assistant Professor and Faculty of Craft and Design at the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University

SOCIAL IMPACT (Pretoria, South Africa)
Tasos Calantzis, (Jury Captain), CEO of Terrestrial
Allon Raiz, CEO of Raizcorp
McLean Sibanda, CEO of The Innovation Hub
Seelan Naidoo , Group Strategy Consultant for Design SABS Design Institute

Mariana Amatullo (Jury Captain), Co-Founder and Vice President of Designmatters at Art Center College of Design
Alexandre Hennen, Director of Continuum Los Angeles
Johanna Blakley, Ph.D, Managing Director & Director of Research USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center
Karen Hofmann, Director of Color, Materials and Trends Exploration Laboratory, Chair of Product Design at Art Center College of Design

Alice Twemlow (Jury Captain), Chair of MFA in Design Criticism at School of Visual Arts
Tom Vanderbilt, Writer
Michael Sorkin. Principal at Michael Sorkin Studio, President at Terreform, Director of the Graduate Program in Urban Design, CCNY
Maria Popova, Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Brain Pickings

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