“The Buckminster Fuller Institute is dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions which radically advance human well being and the health of our planet’s ecosystems.”
With another office in Barcelona.
With offices all around Europe.
Now Tovatt Architects and Planners.
Lucia Eames’ gallery extends, “the legacy and work of Charles and Ray Eames.”
A nice little archive of modernist homes in North Carolina, past and present. They also have tours and a list of interesting homes for sale in the ‘hood.
1921-1996, Deaton is most famous for the Colorado home he built in 1963. 10 years later it starred in the Woody Allen pic Sleeper, “a love story about two people who hate each other. 200 years in the future” – he is listed at imdb as being in the artdepartment for the film.
Department of Architecture
Seika University
137 Kino-cho Iwakura
Kyoto 606-8588
JAPAN tel/fax: (+81 75) 702 5192
Marcus Trimble’s follow-up to Gravestmor, keepin Sydney covered. This site also features the work of his practice.