“Freehand Projects is a contemporary architecture and design practice located in Ocean Grove.”
Michael Spponer and co. have completed a thorough look at through the archives of Frederick Romberg and distilled it into a small series of posters and a video. In April 2013 you can see these in the windows of the RMIT Design Archives, next to the Design Hub on the corner of Swanson and Victoria Streets. It might last a while longer online here.
“A society dedicated to the screening of documentaries and films on architecture, design and urbanism.”
Starting in 2013, Uptown Melbourne is a regular series of walking tours with an architectural bent. Run by Kieran McKernan (architect) and Adam Gardner (set designer).
A custom web site consultancy run by Peter Johns (editor of this website).
2013: A lovely little architectural radio show made at KALW in San Francisco. Shows are about 15 minutes long and concentrate on one unpredictable issue. The episodes are rather well researched and produced, which might have something to do with their support from Kickstarter and AIA San Francisco.
The Lodge, 1930s [ National Library commons ]
Ben Waters and Will Loft.
“Design Hub is a new kind of creative environment. It is a community of design researchers for collaborative, inter-disciplinary interaction and education, housed in a purpose-built 10-storey building by Sean Godsell Architects.”
This U.S. documentary from 2008, freely available on Youtube, sells the virtues of the New Urban town centre to the general video-watching population. Unfortunately it uses scare tactics to do so. The first two-thirds warns of impending doom in the peak oil sense. It is only after about an hour of this that we get to their solution, which involves lots of footage of street-side cafes and light rail. The doco supports multi-residential developments alongside transit stops, but not really as a positive in itself, more because doing so will relieve the pressures on ailing freeway infrastructure without breaking the bank.
We provide solutions to problems across a range of creative disciplines and scales that embody an energetic, creative & dynamic response to the many complexities that make up the contemporary built environment.
LIMINAL Studio is a globally connected, creatively agile think-tank that integrates design and architecture with the disciplines interior design, furniture, object design, arts, curation and production design.
Chan Architecture has completed a number of successful residential projects across Melbourne, including renovations and extensions, new houses and multi-unit developments.
This is an international competition to design and build a new place for living in the Central City.
Edwards Moore are in the process of organising an ‘event’.
“We are a group of local Melburnians who work, live and breathe architecture and design in this city. Keen to share the knowledge and generate discussion about the built environment, we invite you on a walking tour with us to learn about Melbourne’s evolution through its building fabric. Come and join us for one of three tours, followed by a caffeine pitstop or beer at the bar to dissect the good and the bad about the city and its architecture.”
Sibling is an architecture practice that makes people’s lives better. We do this by creating environments, experiences and strategies that respond to social needs and desires, making everyday life easier, more engaging, and more fun.