greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: 1940s

RMIT Design Archives Journal

posted 08.12 in resources.

“The RMIT Design Archives Journal is published twice a year from 2011.” The journal, available in PDF format, has occasional issues dedicated to 20th Century Melbourne architectural history.

Lost Property

posted 11.11 in resources.

Subtitled “Auckland’s Alternative Modernist Architecture and History: A work in progress”, this great site is a who’s who of mid-century Auckland architects, many of whom have disappeared off the radar.

What House Is That?

posted 09.11 in resources.

“What house is that? is an exploration of the social and architectural history of Victoria’s housing styles. From our earliest Victorian cottages through to the light filled, open plan houses of the Modern era, we look at the houses...

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New Zealand Design Review

posted 07.11 in resources.

Design Review

The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre has transcribed NZ Design Review, from 1948 to 1954. Most worth a look, with essays and article by Ernst Plischke, Maurice Patience, and special editions focused on housing and the like.

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19th century, 20th century, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, art deco, mid-century, miles lewis, modern, modernism, phillip goad, robin boyd


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