greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: andrew maynard

debate: Architecture is SERIOUS business

posted 10.12 in events.

What Is... Architecture?

WHAT IS… … the importance of PLAY in design? Architecture is a weighty profession as serious amounts of capital are involved. However the realisation of architecture is also a creative act. Architects balance the pragmatics...

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World Architecture Day at Process

posted 10.11 in events.

In celebration of World Architecture Day PROCESS has invited Shortlisted World Architecture Festival entrants Andrew Maynard & Fiona Winzar for a dress rehearsal presentation before they depart for Barcelona. Evening kicks off at 6pm (1/2 hour...

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Seeing red

posted 06.09 in news.

The brits(?) commenting on Maynard’s Vader House seem to have it in for his red tiles. Apparently red will date! The article is at the snazzy new Architectural Review site (UK) site. Yes that’s my typo-ridden comment, someone had to...

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colour, fiona winzar, justine clark, louise wright, michael roper, red, simon thornton, tom morgan


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