greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: apartments

Deterring density

posted 11.14 in news.

Yarra proposed zones

In July, Plan Melbourne introduced three new flavours of residential zone. Loosely described, the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) will prevent medium or high density developments in order to preserve character, the General Residential Zone (GRZ) is pretty much business as usual with a small nod to developers, and the Residential Growth Zone (RGZ) is where apartment blocks will be allowed to blossom. Well blossom as much as they can within a 13.5m height restriction. The new zones are meant to provide more certainty to residents and developers.

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Melbourne: why parts of it are starting to feel like Hong Kong

posted 10.13 in news.

by contributor Rohan Storey Having worked in the fringes of the planning industry since the early 1990s, especially dealing with big projects in the central city, I now have to concede that all that I thought was good about planning in the city...

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To infinity and beyond

posted 03.13 in news.

“I want architectural excellence and height … I want buildings that inspire Victorians. If this can be done in the right place, and with beauty, then the sky’s the limit.” Matthew Guy, April 2012 Tower Melbourne –...

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Tall skinny stories

posted 10.12 in news.

Tower Melbourne (left and middle), Abode 318 (right). Elenberg Fraser “This is where Melbourne comes of age” Callum Fraser, Tower Melbourne architect Elenberg Fraser’s elegant Tower Melbourne proposed for Bourke Street...

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Urban Troppo in Weddell

posted 12.11 in news.

On Tuesday night an ABC article popped up announcing that Troppo and another unnamed firm have completed their new town design in the Northern Territory. To house 50,000, Weddell is to be built about 40 kilometres from Darwin. The population of...

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How green is your six pack?

posted 06.10 in news.

Adding active and passive sustainability features to a house, an architect with supportive clients can be lulled into thinking that everything is rolling the right way. But there is a great gap in the market not being catered to – those...

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callum fraser, density, denton corker marshall, developers, development, ecological urbanism, housing, james howard kunstler, justin madden, matthew guy, plan melbourne, richard florida, shane rothe, sprawl, tall buildings, ted baillieu, wind


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