greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: fire

Habitat in town

posted 05.11 in news.

Two years after the Victorian bushfires, the christian charity Habitat for Humanity are to build 25 homes in Yea for bushfire-affected families. People will contribute a small deposit, and receive a ten year loan. The houses will be professionally...

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Over-budget in Kinglake

posted 04.10 in news.

Is The Age getting sponsored by the HIA, did an architect just make a shocking mistake, or did they go to the wrong builder? A kinglake family’s efforts to rebuild come to nowt. “They are reeling from the extra costs involved in...

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Design Challenge: Fire

posted 11.09 in events.

2009 Design Challenge: Fire

EXHIBITION OPENING: 6.30-8.30pm, Tuesday 10 November 2009
EXHIBITION DATES: 11 Nov 2009 – 28 Feb 2010, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
EXHIBITION VENUE: Melbourne Museum, Discovery Centre, Lower Foyer, Nicholson St, Carlton, Victoria
Free Entry
Further Information:

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Victorian Bushfires

posted 11.09 in events.


At RMIT bldg 50, Orr St, Carlton (off Victoria St, between Lygon and Cardigan)
Thursday, 5 November 2009, 6:30 PM

Entry by gold coin donation, refreshments provided.

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The New Marysville

posted 09.09 in news.

Victoria’s Premier Brumby has just released the draft Urban Design Framework for Marysville, which was pretty much wiped out after the February fires. You can give feedback until October 10th. Artist’s impressions.


posted 07.09 in resources.

“Bushbunker is an architecturally designed bushfire safety bunker concept that has been envisioned in response to the horrific Black Saturday bushfires of February 2009. The design addresses the limitations of the Victorian Governments...

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Bushfire Performance

posted 06.09 in resources.

Guide to using timber elements in construction in bushfire prone areas. Contains 2009 updates for Victoria and ACT.

Design Aid

posted 05.09 in news.

Here is another new initiative to assist in bushfire-affected areas. From the blurb: “Design Aid is a register of architects, builders, carpenters, interior designers and other associated trades who are willing to volunteer their expertise to...

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Pod Won

posted 05.09 in news.

The regrowth pod competition is all over, and the 35 entries whittled down to a shortlist of 7. I was one of five judges, which meant my personal fave didn’t make the shortlist. Such is life. A BIT LATER…. Further whittling has found...

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Pod in place

posted 04.09 in news.

The first Regrowth pod has been installed on a burnt out property in Coombs Road, Kinglake West.

Bushfire homes service

posted 04.09 in news.

Modelled on the 1950s The Age Small Home Service, the ®AIA with the Victorian Government Architect has just launched its Bushfire Homes Service. Registered AIA architects, working pro bono, are asked to submit intent by April 6th and...

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Pod news

posted 03.09 in news.

A Regrowth Pod prototype (see Butterpaper 14.02.09 ) has almost been built for a burnt-out site in Kinglake. The architects and buiders are being followed through the process by a team of film makers so hopefully we will get a better picture of what...

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Regrowth Pod

posted 02.09 in news.

Butterpaper is happy to publish for discussion architects’ work related to bushfire reconstruction. The first is from Melbourne practice 1:1 Architects, a director of which lives in Kinglake West. 1:1 Architects Pty Ltd “As architects...

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Hackford House

posted 02.09 in news.

Greg Burgess’ 1982 Hackford house burnt down on the weekend, in Kornalla, Gippsland. According to RMIT’s Aardvark, which also has more pictures, the house won the 1983 RAIA Merit Award for Outstanding Architecture and the 1985 Robert...

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Hell fire

posted 02.09 in news.

It’s been a hot, disturbing, and emotional weekend in Melbourne. Two large fires extending 80 kilometres along the rural northern flank of the city, have so far burnt up 210,000 hectares of land, 750 houses, and some small towns. Altogether,...

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related tags

disaster relief, fires, government architect, greg burgess, housing, portable housing, prefab, pro bono, safety


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