greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: geometry


posted 10.12 in resources.

“ is a digital diary of research on the relationship between basics of geometry and design computing, including the experiments with parametric modeling, architectural geometry, computer-aided fabrication, and exploration of...

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The International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture

posted 08.08 in resources.

Links aplenty to all manner of odd guilds.

George W. Hart

posted 08.08 in resources.

Meet George Hart, geometric genius, mathematician and sculptor, and see his fine works – I think I like the SNARL series the most so far, though “Gonads of the Rich and Famous” gets my gong for naming.

The Geometry Junkyard

posted 08.08 in resources.

Piles and piles of geometry related links. Some serious and some not so.

Fractal Architecture

posted 08.08 in resources.

The acceleration of computing speeds has made the rendering of complex fractal geometries a lot easier, as this site demonstrates.

Fractals and Fractal Architecture

posted 08.08 in resources.

A 2003 essay by Wolfgang E. Lorenz at the Vienna University of Technology, with a section relating to built architecture.

Inside Beijing's Big Box of Blue Bubbles

posted 08.08 in news.

A detailed technological (and geometrical review) of PTW’s Beijing Water Cube.

related tags

fractals, nurbs, revit, rhinoceros3d, swimming pool


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