greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: government architect

NSW Government architect

posted 04.10 in news.

One of the more rivetting moments at the AIA 2010 conference, just finished, was the appearance of AIA NSW President Brian Zulaikha on stage during the last session about government architects. He had a short question for Assistant Government...

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SA to get government architect

posted 01.10 in news.

The South Australian Government is about to launch its Integrated Design Commission (IDC), and will soon appoint a government architect for SA. It was the last state not to have one. Hopefully, depending on what influence the GA and IDC will have,...

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SA misses out

posted 05.09 in news.

South Australia is now the only Australian state without a givernment architect, following recent appointments in Western Australia (Steve Woodland) and Tasmania (Peter Poulet). The Institute chapter president in SA, Tim Horton, is keen for an...

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Bushfire homes service

posted 04.09 in news.

Modelled on the 1950s The Age Small Home Service, the ®AIA with the Victorian Government Architect has just launched its Bushfire Homes Service. Registered AIA architects, working pro bono, are asked to submit intent by April 6th and...

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Denton's review

posted 07.08 in news.

John Denton is interviewed after retiring as Victoria’s State Government architect. He doesn’t exactly give the current Labour Government a ringing endorsement. In particular he criticises its penchant for Public Private Partnerships,...

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New Government Architect

posted 07.08 in news.

Victoria has a new government architect, Geoffrey London. Unknown in Melbourne, London has spent his academic career in Western Australia, where he was also Government Architect. Expect a change of flavour form outgoing Govarchitect, John Denton.

Office of the Victorian Government Architect

posted 04.08 in resources.

Government Architect's Office NSW

posted 04.08 in resources.

related tags

brian zulaikha, fire, geoffrey london, helen lochhead, john denton, ppp, pro bono, stimulus funding


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