greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: modern

New Zealand Design Review

posted 07.11 in resources.

Design Review

The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre has transcribed NZ Design Review, from 1948 to 1954. Most worth a look, with essays and article by Ernst Plischke, Maurice Patience, and special editions focused on housing and the like.

Brisbane Modern

posted 06.11 in resources.

“A new independent publication exploring mid 20th Century design, art, architecture and furniture in Brisbane.” Some images from past issues can be viewed on the website.

Modernist Australia

posted 12.09 in resources.

“It is time for action. We welcome all designers, architects, homeowners and hunters, artists, purveyors of mid-century ephemera, and most importantly anyone who simply appreciates this era and Modernist design and who would like to know...

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Long Live the Modern : NZ's New Architecture, 1904-1984

posted 07.09 in events.

4 July – 22 November 2009
Hawke’s Bay Museum & Art Gallery
Open 7 days (hours vary, consult the website)
$10 adults

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Heide Museum of Modern Art

posted 06.09 in resources.

Heide Museum of Modern Art

Worth a visit from time to time. Generally well-curated exhibitions in some interesting buildings by McGlashan Everist and, more recently, O’Connor and Houle. Closed Mondays.

related tags

20th century, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, mid-century, modernism


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