greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: office buildings

Parliament Square bill passed

posted 11.12 in news.

Parliament Square – original proposal (FJMT + Citta) Six days ago, the Tasmanian government introduced a bill to remove Hobart’s Parliament Square project from the planning process, where it has been battled over since 2009 (at...

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10 Murray appeal rejected

posted 02.11 in news.

The appeal by the Save 10 Murray group against Hobart’s Parliament Square redevelopment has been rejected by the Resources Management and Planning Appeals Tribunal. The group appealed the Sullivan Cove Waterfront Authority and Tasmanian...

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The Sustainable City

posted 04.09 in resources.

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1960s, arup, bridges, brutalism, dirk bolt, norman foster, preservation, will alsop


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