greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: peter ho

PECHA KUCHA Melbourne 19

posted 04.12 in events.

ARE YOU SERIOUS? Well, are you? Is it possible we’re taking things and ourselves a little too seriously these days? We want to make you laugh…or at least make you think. Yes, life has a serious side and many of us design with it every day,...

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Phooey roll up the carpet

posted 10.10 in news.

The Phooey ‘Upcycle’ exhibition is closing tonight – with drinks.. erm… right now. It is/was at the Wunderlich Gallery at Melbourne Uni. For those how didn’t get there, here I some phone cam shots I took yesterday. The...

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Phooey Architects

posted 09.10 in resources.

Suite 315, [343 Little Collins Street]
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
Ph: +61 3 8616 0561

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emma young, mark o’dwyer, peter raisbeck


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