greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: peter maddison

FNX - Critiquing the City

posted 11.14 in events.

FNX - free events

As media rapidly diversifies, the mediums and manner in which the public, architects and urban planners communicate with each other has evolved. The current media landscape affords greater chances for public engagement while at the same time...

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How Peter does it

posted 04.11 in news.

A little interview by Igloo with Peter Maddison, host of Grand Designs Australia… and my old boss. Not that old.

Councils and fees

posted 02.11 in news.

Grand Designs (Oz) presenter Peter Maddison recently advised Ballarat’s media what to do with its Civic Hall project, which was mainly not to ape historic styles. After that he gave a tip or two on how to get the best results from an EOI /...

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Grand Designer

posted 09.10 in news.

Peter Maddison struts his stuff for the upcoming Aussie version of Grand Designs. I happened across this building in Surry Hills in January, and it is a very precise little concrete number in a laneway off a laneway. Will try to dredge the pics.

Maddison Architects

posted 01.08 in resources.

Maddison Architects

First Floor
[98 Bank Street]
South Melbourne
Victoria 3205
phone +61 3 9696 3636
fax +61 3 9696 4999

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