greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: public transport


posted 06.14 in news.

In May’s Victorian state budget, the Metro Rail Capacity Project was officially abandoned and relaunched as the smaller, Southern-focused Melbourne Rail Link. It’s been under consideration for less than three months, and looks to have...

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The missing link

posted 08.13 in news.

The term “missing link” was originally applied to old fossils. It’s fitting that it is now being used to describe Melbourne’s East West Link. This little project has been floating about since the 1950s, but in it’s...

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Flinders Street maybes

posted 05.13 in news.

For almost a hundred years, Melburnians have been looking at ways to better connect the city with the Yarra River, which had been rudely taken away from them by the Public Transport corporation. One story is well known, the drawn out Gas and Fuel to...

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The Melbourne Urbanist

posted 12.11 in resources.

Dr Alan Davies: “The Melbourne Urbanist is a site for discussion about key issues in planning and development, particularly in my city, Melbourne, Australia.”

Flinders St Station design competition

posted 11.11 in resources.

Note: The brief is not yet released. Follow this page for updates. Scroll down for competition guidelines. MPV PRESS RELEASE: The Victorian Coalition Government’s $1 million international Flinders Street Station precinct design...

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New town, old ideas?

posted 04.10 in news.

toolern map

Toolern A new $15B city is to be built on the road to Ballarat. It’s called Toolern, and will plug lots of the rural gap between Caroline Springs and Melton. The new town’s footprint, if overlaid onto a map of Melbourne, would stretch...

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alan davies, bicycles, cars, freeways, housing, matthew guy, railways, railway stations, rob adams, rod eddington, sprawl, suburbs, traffic, transport


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