greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: traffic

We need to take back some streets

posted 03.20 in news.

Lygon Street - Street view

This virus thrives on density. Vehicle density has dropped, and drivers are relatively cocooned from risk, but people walking from their cars or homes to buy essentials are landing in a variety of unavoidable and unsafe situations.

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Sprawling from Grace: The Consequences of Suburbanisation

posted 01.13 in resources.

This U.S. documentary from 2008, freely available on Youtube, sells the virtues of the New Urban town centre to the general video-watching population. Unfortunately it uses scare tactics to do so. The first two-thirds warns of impending doom in the...

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Radiant City, 2006

posted 08.12 in resources.

Wow. I am in the midst of watching a documentary about the suburbs. It isn’t your usual documentary though. Maybe it’s even ground-breaking, and there is a lot of ground being broken out in the neighbourhood of Evergreen, in Cranston,...

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NPR Cities: Urban Life In The 21st Century

posted 08.12 in resources.

“What do we want our cities to be in the Urban Century? The NPR Cities Project aims to capture the vibrancy of urban life today.” A wide-ranging and ongoing study by The USA’s National Public Radio into the nature of cities.

The Melbourne Urbanist

posted 12.11 in resources.

Dr Alan Davies: “The Melbourne Urbanist is a site for discussion about key issues in planning and development, particularly in my city, Melbourne, Australia.”

New town, old ideas?

posted 04.10 in news.

toolern map

Toolern A new $15B city is to be built on the road to Ballarat. It’s called Toolern, and will plug lots of the rural gap between Caroline Springs and Melton. The new town’s footprint, if overlaid onto a map of Melbourne, would stretch...

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21st century, alan davies, bicycles, cars, covid-19, energy scarcity, freeways, housing, james howard kunstler, jan gehl, new urbanism, public transport, roads, rob adams, shops, sprawl, suburbs, transport, transportation, urbanism


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