greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: walks

On you Open House

posted 07.09 in news.

For those in Melbourme too set in their Sunday ways to make it, Open House was the place you should have been. According to one volunteer, it was four times the size of last year’s. The concept is pretty basic – open up private buildings...

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Take a looksy behind closed doors

posted 07.09 in news.

The nice people at Open House are opening the doors on Melbourne this Sunday. Huge array of buildings old and new – worth getting out of bed for this one. Check the website in case you need to reserve for the one you want. THE WEBSITE 1....

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State of Design

posted 07.09 in news.

This starts this week – I have looked through the pickings and list most of the architecture-related ones below. Lots to do. Tried to post in the events forum but it broke under the strain (must fix that..) Venues:...

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Happy SAW walker

posted 06.09 in resources.

Sydney Architecture Walks

posted 06.09 in resources.

The original Sydney Walks. Dreamt up by local Eoghan Lewis in 2000 and ably implemented (in 2012) by himself, Simeon King, Hugo Moline, and Reonald Westerdijk. Now on bicycles too!

Australian Architecture Association (AAA)

posted 06.09 in resources.

Sydney-based association – Sydney walks, talks, and harbour cruises. Our Aims: To promote contemporary architecture to as many people as possible. The Australian Architecture Association has been formed to broaden the promotion of...

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eoghan lewis, exhibitions, talks, tours


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