greaseproof architecture since 2000

heritage news

Fait accompli?

In late July the University of Melbourne signalled its intention to “retire” many 20th Century modernist buildings at its Parkville campus before 2040, in keeping with its “long term strategic, academic and research ambitions”. Renderings in its new master plan show the Raymond Priestley administration building, the medical building and the John Medley building tagged for demolition, to name just a few.

27.10.23 in education heritage

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Flinders Street maybes

For almost a hundred years, Melburnians have been looking at ways to better connect the city with the Yarra River, which had been rudely taken away from them by the Public Transport corporation. One story is well known, the drawn out Gas and Fuel to Federation Square saga. On the other side of the bridge, it’s been no less drawn out.

28.05.13 in competitions heritage

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Not ornate enough?

Can anyone spot the glaring error? Apart from labelling all Post-WWII buildings “plain”.

03.09.12 in heritage 

Total sellout

total house

Word on the street (and the AFR) is that Total House has been sold to Riichard Gu and the AXF Group, for $40M. Word is also that it was marketed as a city development site. Quelle horreur.

15.08.12 in buildings heritage

Windsor Hotel - the ongoing saga

windsor hotel 2011 via MHA
2011 rendering, Windsor Hotel with lowered corner building, DCM

29.07.12 in heritage 

Architect / protaganist:

Comment [1]

Windsor shrinks

Halim group has submitted an ever so slightly lower version of their Windsor Hotel development to Heritage Victoria for approval. Two floors have disappeared, cutting the number of rooms from 332 to 300.

16.06.11 in heritage 

Comment [2]

Fitzroy Gardens, again

They really want to hang out in the past down at the Parks Branch. They’re about to bowl anything in Fitzroy Gardens that looks like it was built after 1939, after a spot of public consultation. They’ve lept on Heritage Victoria’s advice that the only decent things in the garden were built in the nineteenth century, at the turn of that century, and in the Inter-war period, which Parks mistakenly think ended in 1945. They appear to have taken their obligation to look after items from these periods as a license to obliterate anything else.

12.05.10 in heritage 

The Fall

Lonsdale House now looks like this… The facades of the ground floor shops have, rather eerily been left as a hoarding.

07.05.10 in heritage 

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Dental record


22.03.10 in heritage 

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Penthouse Mouse

This could be the last chance to have a good look around the Naval and Military Club in Little Collins Street, Melbourne. The low-rise 1967 building with its distinctive arched windows is due to tumble soon, a new planning proposal having been approved for a Buchan designed 32 storey hotel and apartment complex.

11.03.10 in buildings heritage

Comment [5]

Flinders Street - the sequel

flinders street
(James Fawcett and HPC Ashworth)

01.03.10 in heritage 

Trust not liking Windsor curtains

The National Trust has launched a SAVE THE WINDSOR website. They don’t mean the Queen.

08.10.09 in heritage 

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W Class Trams

tram 892

29.08.09 in heritage 

Comment [4]


lonsdale house
The upcoming demolition of Lonsdale House, an art deco building in Melbourne’s dowdy Lonsdale Street, is attracting attention that must be worrying the developers and Myer. A brief survey of recent developments turns up calls to arms, critiques of Melbourne’s heritage policy, and thoughts about what inner Melbourne should strive to be.

16.08.09 in buildings heritage

Comment [2]

Muddle will ensue

I just stumbled on what looks like a valuable tool for researchers. The NLA has been quietly shifting thousands of old newspapers into a searchable digital format. The current date range available to search is 1803 to 1954.

05.08.09 in heritage 

Lonsdale House doomed?

Planning permit approved . Going, going…

27.07.09 in buildings heritage

Comment [1]

Life in a heritage overlay

An Albert Park resident is having the usual problems trying to demolish his “bog standard” deco house, and has gone to the press with it as consultant fees top 150K. “When we’ve put extensions to [the council] previously they said they didn’t like architecture that mimicked previous periods… Then we bring in a contemporary design and they say it introduces new elements. I thought they were a bunch of megalomaniac tossers.”

04.07.09 in heritage planning

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