“This guide gives a basic introduction to ecological sustainability issues and specifically how the built environment affects them. It begins by outlining the Australian position on Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) and some key policies relevant to buildings and ESD.
A state government and industry sponsored guide to a few of Victoria’s greener buildings. A Flash site with interactive map.
_“Recent research shows that most businesses want to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions but few have the appropriate information to manage the process.
“Cool Melbourne explains climate change and important environmental issues in plain English. We promote the great green stories happening in Melbourne. Find out the challenges we face and what people are doing to get us back on track. Who’s doing well, who’s having a shocker!”
Greenpeace’s helpful guide to specifying timber in Australia, in such a way that PNG does not end up shaven bald.
The page you need to know if you’re practising in Victoria, as everything changed on May 1st.
Rate your office building or tenancy’s environmental impact with this handy tool.
This government and buiding industry web site has been around for a while, and is often updated. The technical section contains basic advice about designing a house sustainably. You will be lucky to find mention of an architect anywhere.